Tuesday 25 June 2019


Here are the winners of the ESO 1 WEBCOMIC CONTEST!

1. SUPER MOLLY (ESO1B): Hugo Fernández & Jakob B. Cabaleiro

2. JOHN AND HIS LIFE (ESO1A): Érika Piñeiro, Candela Costas & Alba Fernández


Congratulations to the worthy winners and a huge thank you to all who have participated in this awesome contest!

No copyright infringement intended. For educational, non-commercial purposes only.

Sunday 2 June 2019

Panda bear keeper: a beautiful job?

While we all keep looking for the ideal job: journalist, doctor, architect, teacher or even football player, working as a panda bear caretaker could be a wonderful yet demanding choice.

Giant panda cubs are adorable fluff balls that squeak and squeal. This endangered species is also incredibly tricky to breed and raise in captivity. In the 1960s, only 30 percent of infant pandas born at breeding centers survived. Today 90 percent survive.

The video below shows how baby pandas are successfully raised and bred in captivity in a panda bear center in China before being released into the wild.

Ying Hua was abandoned by her mother after only a few days and is being hand reared. This highly intensive conservation job means that the keeper has to mimic the absent mother's every behaviour.

Maybe next time when someone asks you what you want to be when you grow up, you won't hesitate.

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Rhythm Guide

Music Notes

This is a fantastic way to learn rhythm notation, but it might make you hungry.
Would you like to learn about crotchets and quavers? Do you wish to impress your friends with your mastery of syncopation?
All you need is hot dogs, energy drinks and your favourite Mexican food.
Music Notes explains it all in this splendid chart to help everyone learn the rudiments of rhythm. Go on, clap along...
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What's up in the night sky for june 2019?

Jupiter is at its biggest and brightest this month, rising at dusk and remaining visible all night. The solar system's largest planet is a brilliant jewel to the naked eye, but looks fantastic through binoculars or a small telescope, which will allow you to spot the four largest moons, and maybe even glimpse a hint of the banded clouds that encircle the planet. And if this leaves you yearning for a closer look, these gorgeous views from NASA's Juno spacecraft, which is currently orbiting Jupiter, make the planet feel almost close enough to touch.

In mid-June, Mars and Mercury appear ultra-close together immediately after sunset for two days, on June 17th and 18th. You'll need a pretty clear view of the western horizon to catch them, as the pair will be only a few degrees above it (and the farther north you are, the lower they'll be). But it should be spectacular if you can manage it.

In the middle of the month, from about June 14th to the 19th, look for the Moon to form a beautiful lineup in the sky with Jupiter and Saturn that changes each night as the Moon moves in its orbit around Earth. While you're out marvelling at this trio, there's a really neat astronomy observation you can attempt yourself, just by paying attention to the Moon's movement from night to night. Okay, imagine a line passing through Jupiter and Saturn, like so. This more or less represents the plane in which Earth and the other planets orbit the Sun. Think of it as a big disk, and you're looking out to the edge of the disk from within it. Look closely and you can see that the Moon doesn't move along the same line. From night to night it moves along its own path, crossing the Jupiter-Saturn line as it moves between the two giant planets on the 18th. This separate path shows that the Moon's orbit is slightly tilted with respect to Earth's orbit around the Sun. This tilt in the Moon's orbit is why an eclipse is kind of a special event. Eclipses occur when the Moon passes into Earth's shadow, or when Earth passes into the Moon's shadow. With the Moon orbiting Earth every month, you might think there would be a lunar and solar eclipse every month as well - with the Sun, Moon and Earth forming a nice, straight line. But instead, its tilted orbit means the Moon misses this lineup most months, crossing Earth's orbital plane at the right time for a lineup with the Sun only a couple of times a year.

https://www.anayaeducacion.es/usuario/libros.php# There's a lot still to learn about the Moon, and science is one of the reasons NASA has plans for both robots and humans to continue exploring it into the future. Here are the phases of the Moon for June.

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